Penandatangana MOU

Surabaya (28/2) – PT Terminal Container Surabaya (TPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tanjung Perak District Attorney Surabaya (Kejari Perak) on Tuesday (28/2). The signing was carried out by the Act President Director of TPS Bambang Hasbullah with the Head of the Tanjung Perak District Attorney's Office, Aji Kalbu Pribadi, SH, MH.

Located at the TPS Office, the event was witnessed by the Syahbandar and the Tanjung Port Authority Perak, along with related agencies in the Tanjung Perak Port area. Subholding of Pelindo Container Terminal (SPTP), which is the Head office of TPS, was also present at the signing ceremony of the MoU. Bambang said that this MoU was the basis for cooperation as one of the implementations TPS's commitment to good corporate governance and compliance with internal law manage the TPS container terminal which is mandated by SPTP.

"Our hope is that this collaboration can further strengthen the maintenance of a conducive business environment in the region Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Port from time to time, especially with the role of TPS as executor of public services," said Bambang.

On the same occasion, Aji also said that the Tanjung Perak District Attorney was present together with TPS and other agencies and business actors in the working area of the Tanjung Perak District Attorney's Office in overseeing and continuously improving compliance with the law in various forms, especially in positive forms and activities, including providing understanding towards the law which in certain cases is very dynamic in its changes, through legal counseling as well as legal sharing sessions.